NC Computer Art and Animation, 3D object design process (Sophie Douglas)

3D Object

For this class I picket a video game object and I went with the ideas to make a weapon for my 3D object for the project. The weapon I picket was a combination of 3 final fantasy swords one being Clouds buster sword from Final Fantasy 7, Lightning’s sword from Final Fantasy 13 and  Noctis’s sword form the new Final Fantasy 15 game. It was a good idea at the time but very difficult to actually make in 3D studio Max as in Final Fantasy video games everything is so highly detailed and with the skills and knowledge I have of 3D studio max it was just not possible to make a sword that would look as though it would be a part of the game.

I started off by looking at the 3 swords and sketching ideas for what would work, I came up with 3 Ideas that look nice and that I thought would work, looking over the sketches of the 3 swords I designed I picket sword number 3 as it look the most essayist to make an something more you would probably find in the newer games. For sketching the sword’s I took the parts they would work with the idea that I had in my head for what I would have like to see made as a full complete sword.

When it came to making the sword in 3D max it was difficult as I just put the shapes from each of the different swords to gather and tried my best to make it look as though it was a sword and that it had some use to it for the main character in the game. For the blades chamfer I used another block about the same length as the blade and turned it invisible to make it look as though the blade had been sharpened and was ready to be used in a fight.

The problems I have had with the sword would be making it and shaping it up to look less like shapes that have been glued to gather and more like a sword from the game but as I don’t have the skills with 3D and 3D studio max I ran into trouble sculpting the sword.

The other problems were getting the blade to be longer than the handle of the sword but still trying to keep the handle practical for the use of the main character in the video game as long with making it practical for the magic based combinations when fighting in battle.

Over all problems I have had with making the sword just came down to me not having the skills an no how in using 3D Studio max and they are easy mistakes that can be fixed if there was more time to use the software.

In conclusion the 3D object worked out in the end and I was able to get the work finished in time. I did not like making the 3d model as 3D work is something I do not enjoy as much because it is not what I like but I gave it my best shot and got the work done.


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